Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 196

Recap of 2010:-

- All packed to return home for good, who knew, that in less than a year, I was back to square one.
- Traveled to Taiwan.

- Chinese New Year - first family reunion with all members after 7 years :)
- Started driving again.

- Swamped with job searching and interviews.

- Made a huge mistake, a wrong decision, but managed to get out of it without much damage.
- Visited Singapore after 8 years.
- Started my first real job, met some new people, somehow, it feels like going back to school again.
- Survived a 4 day camp in the wilderness and some glitches.

- First time driving a crane.
- Dilemma: To stay or return here?

- Resigned my first job.
- Running around town to get my visa settled, packing and saying goodbye.
- Nearly got myself injured (killed) on a hiking trip.

- Started my second real job, one that sees me embarking on a new journey here.
- Adjusted to the idea of being back here, seeing the place and people, speaking the language that I never thought I would encounter again.

- Presented to a crowd of ~50 people on something I had no idea of.
- Traveled to Strasbourg.
- Decided that living together with strangers is not really my thing. Torn between higher rent and moving to the city.

- Am finally comfortable with people that I could call friends and to hang around with.
- Enjoyed time on my own.

- When you're left alone, you start to think a lot. Life, career and relationship - where do I stand now and where am I heading to? I still don't have the answers to it.

- The big move to my own apartment - am loving it still :)
- Traveled to London - somehow it didn't seem as exciting as before. Am I losing touch?
- Spent 2 weeks with mum, realized how much I yearn to have people around me.

- Disappointed how some things turned out, should I stop having hopes and start moving on?
- Traveled to Bologna.
- Quiet birthday, Christmas and New Year, somehow as you grow older, these things don't matter anymore.

A year full of uncertainties and unexpected events. Things are more stable now, yet I'm still unclear of where I'm heading to.

For 2011, all I want is to be happy and to have some clarity. Thank you.

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